Monday, June 30, 2014


Bonjour! For the last week I have been in the small village of Steinsoultz. During my time here so far I have come to appreciate the simple beauty of everything. It makes me happy that there are still places that have hay bales, cows grazing, and nothing but fields for miles. When you live in a city such as San Diego you start to think those places no longer exist. Life in the country has made me appreciate that simplicity can still make you happy, and I hope to take that with me when I come back. It has also made me realize that I am not someone who could live in a town of 600 people, that though it is wonderful to visit I would feel trapped after a while, that everyone has their own place to live forever in and the country is not mine.

Here are some pictures of the beautiful little town of Steinsoultz.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Into the Horizon

It's amazing when you're flying into a sunrise, and you can see this light in front of you, so close but not quite there and then you look behind you and there's pure darkness. I feel like it's a symbol of our pasts and futures. We are leaving everything behind in darkness, all the things we wish to forget flying behind us and our futures always right in front of us, showing us that the dark is always guiding us forward into our futures.

Friday, June 20, 2014

An Overview

My name is Taya and I am a 16 year old girl who has always had a passion for traveling the world and telling others about it through my writing. I was given the opportunity to go to France this summer for three weeks with one of my best friends, so obviously I took it. The idea then arose for me to hop over to England as half of my family lives there. The France portion of the trip will consist more of friends and not worrying about what the future holds. The second portion of the trip, in England will consist of my search for the perfect University and focus much more on my future. But both will include plenty of epic adventure. 

 This is a blog to tell the stories I see everyday during my time in France and England. It is a documentation for me and for anyone who chooses to travel along with me through my words. I hope for it to spark inspiration and adventure in all that follow along.